Monday, October 22, 2012

D4M: Project Lost Files Check-In 3

I've been working for the most part this past week on the credits.  I've compiled the list of the people that have helped in the creation of this project and I've been adjusting and editing some of their roughs as parts of the credits.  It still isn't completed.  I am not sure how much I can do without the progress of other members in the project and having access to some of their animations or images.

These are the credits so far:
You should note that there are no more images/animations after 11 seconds.

I plan, when I have more images, to intersperse them between animations, so they're not clumped in patches throughout the credits.

I have also done the weekly Thursday recap.

Nothing new has been created, but we've been working on what we have and uploading our pieces bit by bit onto our dropbox account.


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