Monday, November 19, 2012

D4M Welcome Erasure ● Week 2

So this is the rough game plan for how I plan this erasure to go.

I will have a little wisp dance around.  It will then hit a wall.  I'm not sure whether powder of a liquid will drip down when it smacks into the wall, but it will zoom out and you'll see welcome spelled out.  Then my hand will erase it and the process will start again.

I wanted the wisp to look more like those in Avatar; however, because it's leading you to the welcome image, it's going to be similar to the ones in Brave as well.

Concept ideas for the wisp

Now, I've also done a little test animated piece of what the wisp will do.  The path you seen drawn out in the course of the wisp that I intend for it to take.

I have also been fiddling around with how I want the "Welcome" to look.  I have created my design based off of three other fonts.  I'm not positive if I want to keep it roughed out like it was drawn, or to give it a finished look like the fonts that I used in example.

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